Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pancakes as Big as Your Head & Omelettes as Big as Your Purse : Jim Denny's

816 12th Street, Sacramento, CA , 95814. (916) 443-9655

A few months ago, on a sleepy Saturday morning Mr. S. and I decided to check out Jim-Denny's, a Sac-town breakfast institution (it was founded in the mid 30's and moved to it's current location after WWII). Jim-Denny's is everything you can hope for in a dive; it's tiny, it's cluttered and it smells like bacon. There's only a few counters seats (heck, there's only a few seats in the whole place) and we lucked out to arrive just as a friend of mine happened to be finishing up and leaving. Having nabbed our seats, we perused the menu. Man, everything sounded amazing! My barstool neighbor to the right was a Jim-Denny's regular and was giving all kinds of helpful suggestions which made deciding which dish to go with even more difficult. I ended up going with an omelette with sausage, spinach, onions and bacon ($9). We got to watch as the cook poured a monsterous amount of food on the grease caked grill and wrangle it back and forth until it began to morph into a mouthwatering omelette. Plated, the omelette was HUGE and came with a heap of potatoes and a side of toast. It was delicious but I could only make it through about half before my stomach wimped out on me. What's crazy is that, there's an even BIGGER omelette offered called The Works ($11)! A gutbuster that includes 9 fillings, 2 cheeses and 3 eggs...Lordy! Mr. S. and I had a kickass time grubbing down with our countermates and chatting with the staff (thanks for the Thai restaurant rec!). Although we did have to pause a moment when we noticed a petite little granny a couple of seats down order a pancake the size of a hubcap (and in case you're wondering-- she scarfed  ALL of it down and a few other dishes as well-- go, granny, go!).

Anyhow while we were eating, a polite young man with a video camera came in and asked us if we would be okay with him filming everyone eating at the counter. We found out later they were filming an episode of Man Vs. Food (a Travel Channel show). We had walked past the crew in the parking lot without realizing what was going on. A friend of mine forwarded two stills from last night's episode. I posted them below. I look pretty horrible, but what a great meal!

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