Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sacramento Seed Library

Sacramento Seed Library, located within the Colonial Heights Library
4799 Stockton Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95820
Sac Seed Library

Looking to start a garden? Want to grow your own fresh herbs and veggies? Check out the new seed library at the Colonial Heights Library. It's just one more reason on a long list of reasons why I love Sacramento.

For those who are unfamiliar with what a seed library entails, it's pretty much what it sounds like. You go in and check out seeds, plant them and then at harvest time you bring some of the seeds from your plants back in so that others can grow them the next season. The library is self-sustaining in that way. The best part is that the service is totally and completely free! Can't beat that.

I stopped in this week and picked up seeds for two tomato varieties, I thought it might be a fun project to do with the kidlets. The librarians on duty were kind enough to give me a quick run down on how the seed library works.

First, take a look at the binder. It has a chart that tells you the best months for growing various plants, vegetables and fruits.

Then go over to the catalog. The seeds are organized by skill level: easy herbs, easy ornamentals, easy edibles, difficult herbs, difficult ornamentals and difficult edibles.

Pick a drawer. Inside the category, you'll see seed packets organized by alphabetical dividers.

Choose which ones you like. Fill out one of the envelopes with the seed name and variety, then transfer your seeds into the envelope. You can then either complete the Checkout form on one of the library's computers or do it from home on their webpage.

To return seeds (after harvest), place your seeds in an envelope, complete the Check-in process online and place the seeds in the Return Seeds drawer at the library. Easy-peasy, right?

I ended up choosing some Chadwick Cherry and Japanese Trifele tomatoes to grow with the kidlets. Hopefully one of us has a green thumb. What do you plan on growing in your garden?

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