Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Night of Bon Iver & Meyer Lemon and Rosemary Cookies

Last night's date night is probably one of my favorite thus far. Even though I was in the throes of a crappy summer head cold, I was bound and determined that Mr.S. and I were still going to attend the Bon Iver show at Freeborn Hall. High on Afrin nasal spray and pumped full of Target's version of Sudafed, I was ready to go and have a grand time. Drippy nose and scratchy throat be damned. Even though we were probably a good 15 years older then most of the audience (gah!), we had a fabulous time at the concert. I can't say I liked the opening band but Justin Vernon and his crew rocked the house. His music was positively amazing (especially the fast, hard version of Blood Bank) and the light show was mesmerizing. The lights at times made you feel like you were looking at a sunset, or trapped under the Earth's surface or one even reminded me of the jellyfish exhibit at the aquarium. Ok, maybe my descriptions sound a bit crazy (could have been the cold meds), but the lights like the music were awesome. Anyhow, when we got home I felt mellow but simultaneously wired...mellow from hearing a full set of Bon Iver tunes, yet wired from being at a concert. Regardless, the end result was I couldn't I decided to put that extra energy to good use and fiddle around some in the kitchen. I had plucked a few Meyer lemons from my tree this weekend, in what I presume will be the last of this season's harvest, I paired them up with some fresh rosemary I picked up at the farmers market on Sunday and made some of these delicious Meyer Lemon and Rosemary cookies. They turned out scrumptious...not bad for some midnight baking! And yes, I did play some Bon Iver while I baked. It seemed wrong not to. :)

Meyer Lemon and Rosemary Cookies (adapted from a recipe by Miss Sophie)


2 sticks butter, room temperature

¾ cup sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla (extract or paste)

1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, finely chopped

2 teaspoons grated Meyer lemon zest

2 ¼ cups all purpose flour

½ teaspoon salt

Sugar for dusting


- In a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Add egg and vanilla, mix well. Then add fresh rosemary, lemon zest,  salt and flour. Mix well.

- Divide dough in half and shape into two logs. Roll logs up in wax or parchment paper. Chill for at least 1 hour. (I threw mine in the freezer for an extra 15 minutes.)

- Preheat oven to 375 F. Cut logs into ¼ inch slices, roll in sugar and place on silicone baking mat. Bake for 12-13 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.

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