Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kico's Mexican Food

2324 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA 95825. (916)924-3571

Last night after we exited the movies, Mr.S. and I were starving. We were a bit tired and didn't want to haul butt back down to the Grid for carnitas so we decided to live on the edge and grab Mexican food in (gasp!) the 'burbs. I drew the line at hitting up a Chevy's, El Toritos or anything else of that ilk and we settled on a place around the bend called Kico's. Lucky us, we were able to score a spot in the teeny parking lot off of Arden and waltzed into the joint. We were met at the entryway by several smiling faces and a cheerful host. We were seated immediately in a comfy leather booth and while we were taking in the sportbar-like atmosphere; we were given menus, water, chips, salsa and refried beans- Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Talk about lightening fast service. I ended up ordering the carnitas dinner, hold the beans, extra rice please. The carnitas were nice big, juicy chunks of beef and the meal was served with a side of warm homemade tortillas. Now Mr.S. tends to like what I call (in very un-PC-like terms) "Gringo-Mexican food," (which this essentially was) and he really liked his meal. I liked it too. It was tasty but nothing mindblowing. A good solid meal for the non-adventurous eater. I could see this being a great place to host a family meal, as the kidlets would enjoy it--nothing weird or too spicy, the portion sizes are quite generous and the prices are reasonable. Also, the service was very friendly and attentive. Now I won't be giving up all my taquerias in South Sac or the Grid anytime soon, but next time we take his kidlets to a kiddie flick we just may have to pop by Kico's and order them some enchiladas.

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