Thursday, December 15, 2011

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Breast Stuffed With Cheese & Basil

Mr. S.' s Kidlet #1 will eat anything, no questions asked. Kidlet #2 on the other hand...if it's remotely different looking, we'll usually get bombarded with questions like, "What IS that?" "Why's it smell funny?" "What's in it?" etc etc and the conversation will usually end with, "I don't like it," and a vomit face. So recently to avoid the whole rigmarole when we were serving dinner, I told him prosciutto was "fancy bacon." (He loves bacon.) I just wanted to eat one meal in peace and it is similar to a way. No harm, no foul, right? Well, I didn't think much of it until last Saturday night when we had the same dish during our dinner party -a prosciutto wrapped chicken breast stuffed with cheese and basil. One of our guest's children asked what the meat enveloping the chicken was and the child's father replied, "Prosciutto." From the kitchen, I immediately heard a little voice firmly correct him, "No it's not! It's FANCY BACON!"....Oops! Lesson learned. On the bright side, he ate it and liked it.

Prosciutto Wrapped Chicken Breast Stuffed With Cheese & Basil
Serves 4


4 medium, boneless skinless chicken breasts halves

8 squares of Taleggio or mozzarella cheese (the size of a pat of butter)
(*The Taleggio gives a more mature, salty taste which we liked but we found the kidlets preferred the mozzarella)

8 large basil leaves

8 slices prosciutto

1 T extra-virgin olive oil

1/4 cup chicken broth

Salt & fresh ground pepper


- Preheat oven to 375F degrees.

- Cut a deep pocket in the thickest side of each chicken breast half without cutting all the way through the chicken breast (watch your fingers!). Insert two pieces of cheese and 2 pieces of basil (stack one on top, one on bottom) in the pocket.

- Close the pocket. Salt & pepper your chicken breasts.

- Lay two pieces of prosciutto down so that the long sides overlap a bit. Lay the chicken breast so that the pocket opening faces the middle of the prosciutto. Wrap the breast with the sides of the prosciutto, press to seal.

- Heat 1 T of olive oil in a large non-stick pan (at medium/medium-high heat). Add the prosciutto wrapped chicken breast to the pan and let it brown undisturbed for 5 minutes, then flip and cook for 3-4 minutes.

- Take an oven safe pan/casserole dish and add enough chicken broth to cover the bottom, then add the chicken breasts. Place pan in oven. Cook for 20 minutes. (* The broth keeps the breasts from drying out.)

- Remove from pan. Serve.

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