Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Big 3-7

"The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age."
~ Lucile Ball

Sorry folks, I know haven't been posting any recipe attempts lately, but to be honest I haven't been trying anything new out lately. Been going with the tried and trueds as of late and doing a little bit of birthday celebrating; but I promise, I'll be back in the kitchen ASAP! This week in fact. Anyhow, yesterday was my "real" birthday and I turned the big 3-7. In honor of the big date, Mr. S. and his kidlets, booted me from la cocina and told me that THEY were cooking ME dinner for a change. How do you like them apples? :)  I showed up at 7pm and was greeted with an appetizer of juicy steak bites wrapped in bacon and for the main course- peppered tuna steaks, saffron rice and grilled asparagus and portabellos. It was delicious. The highlight of the evening was when I was presented with not one birthday dessert...but TWO! Yum! The kidlets (ages 9 & 12) had each baked me a birthday cake---a yellow cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate chip cookie cake bars. They were both delicious! Afterwards we watched a DVD of the animated kidlet movie, "Rio," which turned out to be quite adorable. If you haven't seen it, check it out...the Brazilian music will have you tapping your foot while the birds' crazy antics will have you laughing out loud. Tonight, it's off for a few drinks with a couple of friends and maybe indulging in some greasy-yummy bar food at the Hideaway. Here's to another year of tasty eats, cheers!

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