Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Home Is Wherever I Am With You

I recently purchased a piece of art for my home that looks similar to this :

(photo by emrooney)

It's a piece by an Arizona artist named Emily Rooney and is made of weathered tin mounted on a wooden frame. The piece itself is nothing fancy but the lyrics on it hit a soft spot with me. They're from a song by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes. It's a ditty that first I got hooked on, then Mr. S. then the kidlets followed you'll often find the four of us singing it at the top of our lungs on car trips. Although one of the lead singers looks like a cult leader, the song's so melodic and the lyrics, well like I said, they hit...home.

Soooooooooooo if you've been wondering where I've been the last few days, I've been vacationing with Mr. S. and his fam up in Sierra City (it's about 1.5 hours past Truckee). His family's been going for a couple of decades up to these cute cabins (kind of like the ones in Dirty Dancing but minus Patrick Swayze...and well, the dirty dancing) called Herrington Sierra Pines Resort. Surrounded by the mountains, river and several was so beautiful and serene. I loved it. The boys caught lots of trout, we saw (and almost hit) a deer, had campfires and even played some pool--it was great. (I didn't partake in the fishing this vacation, instead I lounged and caught up on some reading by the lake---I finished A Girl in Translation [a good, easy read] and started A Year in Provence.) Anyhow, we got back yesterday afternoon and it's nice to be home, sweet HOME!

Stay tuned- tomorrow...polenta croutons!

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