Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hot Town, Summer in the City

Well Sacramentans, looks like the hot streak finally broke this week and the cool Delta breezes have found their way into the Central Valley. Whew! The reprieve in temperature couldn't come at a better time and what better way then to celebrate it then to spend it outdoors with friends?

Instead of the traditional BBQ, my friend Cate decided to think outside of the box and throw a mid-week Pizza BBQ party tonight. Ingenious! She provided the dough, pizza sauce and the grill and had the guests bring their favorite toppings or a side dish to share. The toppings bar ended up being quite the spread. There were fresh cherry tomatoes from the garden, black olives, crisp bacon, prosciutto, black garlic, artichoke hearts, pancetta, caramelized onions, pepperoni, Canadian bacon, pineapple, fresh and sauteed homemade mozzarella, Daiya cheese, goat cheese, brie...and much, much more! I ended up piling on all kinds of goodies on my pizza and then rounded out the end of the night with a big helping of Carren's delicious cherry crisp.

PS This little guy was a guest at the party and is looking for a home, if you're interested please leave a note in the comment section & I'll have the foster mom get back to you!

(Photo: Zach the Chihuahua by Ilsa)

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