Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cauliflower Power

"Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education."
- Mark Twain

When I was a kid I hated cauliflower. For some reason, while other kids thought the florets looked like cute miniature trees; I imagined the big cruciferous heads to resemble a giant brain. And only zombies eat brains, right? I did a pretty good job of dodging the smelly veggie for the better part of 17 years, but then I began working part-time in various restaurants while I was making my way through college and something magical happened. Vegetables that I avoided like the plague- asparagus, chard, and yes cauliflower began to make their way into my dinner rotation in various creative ways...and amazingly-- I liked them! Now before you decide to poo-poo the cauliflower, take note that it's one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. It's rich in nutrients, low in calories and next to citrus it's your best source of vitamin C. Most people I know like to eat it raw, saute it or roast it...but I found another way to get your cauliflower fix -- pureed cauliflower with garlic, Parmesan and goat cheese. I came across this simple recipe on Kalyn's Kitchen and it's seriously delish. It tastes creamy just like garlic mashed potatoes but without all the starch and fat. I think this is one even the kidlets would like.

Pureed Cauliflower with Garlic, Parmesan, and Goat Cheese  (by Kalyn's Kitchen)


1 large head cauliflower, cut into small same-size florets

1 tsp. minced garlic

1 T half and half or cream

2-3 T grated Parmesan cheese (depending on size of cauliflower)

2-3 T goat cheese (depending on size of cauliflower)

salt/pepper to taste


- Put cauliflower florets in a pan with enough water to cover, add garlic and a small amount of salt.

- Let cauliflower come to a boil, then lower heat and cook 20 minutes, or until cauliflower is very soft.

- Remove from heat and drain very well. (I let it drain nearly 5 minutes in a colander. Don't skip this step or the finished dish will be a bit watery.)

- When cauliflower is well drained, put into food processor and puree, adding the half and half.

- (Optional: You could also use a small hand beater to "whip" the cauliflower as you would potatoes. )

- Put cauliflower back into the pan you cooked it in and turn heat on very low.

- Add Parmesan, goat cheese, and season with salt and pepper. Heat 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so it does not stick to the bottom.

- Serve hot, with a little freshly grated Parmesan on top if desired.

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