Friday, October 22, 2010

Have You Checked This Out? : Sausagefest

In the words of Homer Simpson- "[The pig is] a wonderful, magical animal" and as I recently found out, local Chef Jason Azevedo does justice to it.

I'd heard about Azevedo's porkilicious products several months ago from a friend and immediately requested to get on his Testa Duro Salumi mailing list. Each month I kept meaning to order but kept getting sidetracked, but with the cold weather looming and BBQing season coming to a close I figured I'd better get on it. From his October offerings I went with the Nonna's Spicy Italian and the festive sounding, bockwurst. The Nonna's was delicious...I really liked the texture and it was just the right level of spiciness. The bockwurst (described as a spicy sausage seasoned with caramelized onions, cream, and coriander) came raw and at pickup Azevedo reminded me to poach it for about 15 minutes in beer first. The bockwurst came out great, both when Mr. S. grilled it and later when we threw the leftovers in some pasta sauce. It was a bit milder than the Nonna's but had a nice kick nonetheless.

If you're interested in getting more information, you can email Azevedo at or check out the Testa Duro Salumi Facebook page. There's a plethora of handcrafted sausage varieties to choose from and he often carries chicken sausage as well. At times, cured bacon and prosciutto are also offered on the menu. Yes, bacon! A man after our hearts!  Also, take note- if you don't feel like cooking the meat yourself, currently Stone House Bistro in Rancho Murieta is serving up some of his products.

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