Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spicy Dilly Beans

Not too long ago I was sipping coffee with a few friends and mentioned how I had been invited to my first canning party and how excited I was to attend. One of my coffee buddies smiled and replied, "That's funny how everyone is doing a lot of the old fashioned stuff like canning and knitting. It makes me think of grandmas and makes me feel old." The comment stuck with me for a few days as I mulled it over. True, canning, knitting, gardening, cooking, etc. are rapidly rising in popularity again (just look at sites like Etsy, The and Readymade if you need proof). I suppose the craft movement never truly disappeared but it has definitely reemerged into the spotlight in the past few years with the younger set. I think the resurgence in part can be attributed to the current economic climate. Without a lot of excess funds to fritter away, some people are turning to making their own products as a way to save pennies. Also for many, these activities are a great excuse to invite friends over and socialize while doing something constructive. I know these days I enjoy experimenting in the kitchen, harvesting my own veggies and learning how to can...if that makes me a "grandma," so be it. :)

Anyhow back to the canning party...unfortunately, I fell ill the day of the event and had to skip. Left with several pounds of green beans and no canning supplies, I decided to pickle the beans "refrigerator style" using this great dilly bean recipe I found on  a blog called Hell Yeah, It's Vegan (don't you just love that name?). To be safe, I sterilized the jars in the oven and boiled the rings and caps.  I also quintupled the recipe to make 5 jars worth.

Spicy Pickled Green Beans
Makes 1 serving


1 clove garlic

1-2 chilis or 1 tsp red pepper flakes



1 lb fresh green beans, rinsed and trimmed

1 c water

1 c white vinegar

2 tbsp kosher salt


- In a clean, odorless glass jar with a well-fitting lid, add garlic, dill, red pepper, and peppercorns to taste.

- Pack jar with green beans, fairly tightly, until full. In a medium saucepan, heat water, vinegar, and salt, stirring occasionally, until salt has fully dissolved.

- Slowly pour a small amount into the jar and shake it gently; the glass must be heated slowly so it doesn’t crack.

- Slowly add the rest of the liquid, leaving about ½” head space at the top of the jar.

- Let cool for an hour or two before placing the jar in the fridge.

- Refrigerate at least 1 week before consuming; they’ll get more pungent as they age, and can store just fine for months.

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