Friday, May 28, 2010

Gadgets: Jot It Down

Some might think they're a bit old fashioned, but I love recipe cards. They come in handy for those times when you've hit upon the perfect mixture of ingredients when experimenting in the kitchen or perhaps when your Great-Aunt Millie is drunk at Thanksgiving and you're finally able to get her to divulge the secret recipe for her famous lasagna. I've also seen them given as gifts for brides-to-be at showers...just have your friends each write down their favorite recipe on a card and then them place them in a cute recipe box. Wrap & voila, instant keepsake!

In the past, I've used simple index cards but that may be changing as I've found there are some really cute designs out there. Here's a few that might pique your interest from Etsy  or you could just design your own, they're pretty easy to make :

Damask Spring-Summer

Break Out The Fat Pants

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