Friday, May 28, 2010

Gone Camping... back in a few days.

Gadgets: Jot It Down

Some might think they're a bit old fashioned, but I love recipe cards. They come in handy for those times when you've hit upon the perfect mixture of ingredients when experimenting in the kitchen or perhaps when your Great-Aunt Millie is drunk at Thanksgiving and you're finally able to get her to divulge the secret recipe for her famous lasagna. I've also seen them given as gifts for brides-to-be at showers...just have your friends each write down their favorite recipe on a card and then them place them in a cute recipe box. Wrap & voila, instant keepsake!

In the past, I've used simple index cards but that may be changing as I've found there are some really cute designs out there. Here's a few that might pique your interest from Etsy  or you could just design your own, they're pretty easy to make :

Damask Spring-Summer

Break Out The Fat Pants

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What a Cute Little Clove of Garlic : Roasted Garlic

My friend Cate makes this appetizer that's always a hit at her get-togethers and simply requires only two ingredients. Her roasted garlic is so delicious that I once ate two whole heads of garlic by myself while watching an episode of Glee at her house...seriously! Sure, I smelled like an Italian trattoria and had a stomachache the next day...but damn, it was good while I was eating it.

Roasted Garlic

~ Grab a few heads of garlic.
~ Remove the loose skin, keeping the rest intact.
~ Slice off the top of the heads. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, if you wish.
~ Place the garlic on a sheet of aluminum foil.
~ Drizzle generously with your favorite olive oil.
~ Wrap the garlic in foil and place it in on an oven-safe dish.

~ Roast for 45 minutes to 1 hour @ 400 degrees, depending on how many heads of garlic you're cooking.

~ Remove from oven and serve.

* Cate usually serves them up with various crackers. You take a small knife or toothpick and pop the clove out of the head (it'll be soft). You can eat the whole clove as is or squeeze out the garlicky deliciousness and spread it on your cracker or sliced baguette.

Photo courtesy of  Noisebot

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gadgets: May The Force Be With You

Williams-Sonoma is currently carrying a line of Star Wars products including pancake molds and cookie cutters for the young (or older) Jedi in your life.

The pancake molds are nonstick steel with handles and include Yoda, Darth Vader and a storm trooper. The cookie cutters are plastic and include Darth Vader, Yoda, Boba Fett and a storm trooper.

Williams-Sonoma - Star Wars Kitchen Gear

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Easy As Pie - CLOSED

Some people may have visions of sugar plums dancing through their heads, but any Sacramentan worth their salt dreams of Kira O'Donnell's pastry perfections. Well, if you miss The Real Pie Company's tasty creations (O'Donnell's brick and mortar shop closed in 2008); you're in's back via the web! For the past few months, O'Donnell has been offering her tasty, handcrafted eats via email order. How do you partake, you ask? It's well, you know....

How to get your own Real Pie Company pie:

1. You can sign up to be on the email list at The Real Pie Company or email Kira directly at kiraodonnell @ to be added.
2. Each Monday you will receive an email detailing what freshly baked pies will be available for that week.
3. You then place your order via email (be sure to include your phone number).
4. In return you are assigned a claim number.
5. On Friday (after 2pm), you can pick up your order at (the East Sac) Corti's front counter with your claim number.

[Place your orders as early as you can as her pies sell out quickly. Prices range from $17-$20 per pie.]

This week's offering is: early-season Poppycock apricots from the local farmer's market coupled with Black Tartarian cherries in an open-faced galette.

* photo from

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gadgets: One Fish, Two Fish

Perfect for a housewarming gift, these measuring cups from Anthropologie are dishwasher and microwave safe.  $14.95 on sale. 

Have You Checked This Out?

All of us know a few overzealous Yelp reviewers that review a restaurant like a wolverine ravaging a reindeer when one minute detail goes awry. Well, waitress Jessica Wassill has decided to fight back by taking a humorous, artistic twist on agitated Yelp reviews on her new blog, Yelp Yack. Check it out!

Gadgets: Keeping Time Stylishly

Sometimes when baking, I can distracted by an article in my favorite magazine or an episode of "Nurse Jackie," but the "ping" of the timer brings me back to reality and back into the kitchen. A working timer is a necessity to making sure you don't burn your baked goods in the oven.  These "vintage" kitchen timers are not just adorable but they're practical too (magnetic backs so they don't get lost).

They can be found at SITE for $12.95
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